"I'm thinking of suicide" – What the 15-year-old had written in his diary before the end of his life [εικόνες]


"I'm thinking of suicide …" It's one of the most sentences found by authorities in the notes written by a 15-year-old student from Argyroupoli, who was found hanged by his parents at dawn on Sunday

. it became clear that the 15-year-old was bullied, what his clbadmates argue in social media through his statements, while the note they found in his room reveals it

. of the Greek police, who reviewed his notes, is that the 15-year-old was an excellent student with particular concerns, who in the calendar and in the notes he has kept over the last three months have recorded in detail his thoughts and feelings


According to the report, in one of his texts, referring to "the social injustice of life", he writes that he thinks of the suicide, while in others he describes his good and in others he does not go well.

"We should pay attention to caution and mention that the diary of the 15-year-old shows his personal thoughts and feelings and not the people he badociates with them," say the officers of the Directorate of Attica Security

. by teachers, clbadmates and close friends of the 15-year-old child, in order to know he's right in one of his notes, that he named six of his clbadmates, for whom I wrote: "They destroyed me, destroyed them.I like mom, dad and my brother."

Also, according to police sources, the authorities have identified the specific students who will be called to testify in the presence of psychologists for children of the Youth.

Finally, the results of the lifting of the private life of telephone 15 years are expected in the coming days, because they estimate that the answers to the suicide would be found

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