In 86 the deaths of fires at Mati. Crowns – SKAI (



The number of children hospitalized in children's hospitals is stable. The situation of the 4 children is good and it is possible that some of them are released today or Monday

27/07/2018 – 12:54 [19659005] Last update:
27/07/2018 – 12:54


  AP Photo / Thanbadis Stavrakis
AP Photo / Thanbadis Stavrakis

According to the Chief of the Forensic Medicine Department of Athens, Nikos Karakouki, who also announced the end of the autopsy, said that

"We completed the forensic investigation of the victims of the victims who had been transferred to the morgue of & 39, Athens, 86. Forensic research was completed. "

The process now pbades to the sole responsibility of the Criminal Police Laboratories Branch to enable the identification of victims which will require at least 7 days with the help of a group of German geneticists.

The state of the 11 burns remaining in the intensive care unit remains critical, according to updated data from the Ministry of Health.

There are still 49 adult tramps in hospitals, some of whom have been fired.

Children hospitalized in children's hospitals are four and their condition is good.

Meanwhile, just before noon Friday, the wife of the actor Chryssa Spiliotis, Dimitris Tournabitis, was identified among the dead.

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