"In a country where you can live, it is forbidden to have a dead person"


Effsyn.gr considers it obvious that its readers have the right to comment, criticize and express themselves freely and to seek to communicate with them in two ways.

However, we do not want the site commenting site to be transformed into the arena of the depreciation and cannibalism of people and institutions. For this reason, we do not post comments on racist, abusive, offensive or badist content. Also, and in accordance with the editorial principles of the editors, we keep the front open to fascism and its various expressions. Thus, we reserve the right to post no relevant comments

As many times as we deem necessary, we respond to your comments by seeking a sincere and sincere dialogue

Effsyn.gr does not publish any comments written in Greek . Finally, the signed articles express their author and do not necessarily coincide with the vision of the newspaper

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