In eight years, 2 billion summer discounts have been lost | Greek economy


On Sunday, July 15, shopping centers are allowed to open from 11am until 8 pm

Two billion euros have been lost in the last eight years as a result of retail sales only for the summer rebates, the drastic reduction in disposable income having resulted in fewer and cheaper purchases

. in the retail sector, which is mainly attributable to the strengthening of tourism, and even in major urban centers such as Attica, the turnover is still far from pre-memorandum levels

The commercial world, however, is optimistic trend will continue during this year's summer discounts, which officially begin Monday, July 9 and will last until Friday, August 31. It is recalled that on Sunday, July 15 stores are allowed to open from 11am until 18 hours

According to figures from the Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ΕΣΕΕ), the figure Retail business in July and August settled at 6.02 billion euros, registering an increase of 0.8% over the corresponding period in 2016. During the course of the same period in 2009, the turnover in the retail sector was 8.05 billion, 25% higher than now.

This year, in fact, it was interrupted the upward trend that had occurred in the summer of 2014 when it came to 2009 with recorded growth in the retail business figure for the months of July and August. The biggest annual decline was recorded in 2013, when the turnover of summer discounts dropped by 12% from 2012 and stood at 5.84 billion vs. 6.64 billion. ; euro.

For this year's summer reductions According to EESE estimates, the turnover will increase slightly by 0.7% over the corresponding period of 2017 and will reach $ 6.06 billion. ; euro. This estimate, as noted by the ESEE, is based on the turnover recorded in retail sales since the beginning of the year, up slightly by 0.65% over the first four month of 2018.

"The climate in trade is mixed with hopes for higher turnover but also with great concern, because the summer discounts are made in an environment of increased fiscal obligations for all consumers, so the markets are out of the way.The traders, to a large extent, put our hopes in the tourist movement and the "imported consumption" which is intensifying this time The basic requirement, of course, is the intensity of tourism to be impressed by the positive tourist revenues in the overall Greek trade, said ESEE President, Vbadilis. Korkides, on the occasion of the beginning of the discounts

Stavros Kafounis he aa Called the consumer to take advantage of the discount period, trusting the Greek trading companies.

The preceding

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