In the budget all measures for the victims of the fire –


A series of measures to repair the damage

Efi Aichioglou, Minister of Labor, speaking in an informative morning broadcast of ERT, said the government has designed a comprehensive grid of measures to mitigate the injuries and to repair the material damage caused by the fires in Attica and noted that these measures are fully budgeted and within budgetary limits

The measures were reported by the Minister to all persons affected, the unemployed, pensioners,

In particular, it states that there are measures of direct financial support, punctual or extended, special measures for the families and relatives of the deceased, measures of special measures, tax relief and insurance, measures of financing and rehabilitation of private property and public infrastructure

In particular, the families of the victims will receive a no financial aid of EUR 10,000 for the spouse or his deceased relative, EUR 1,000 per month for children who have lost one of their parents. For retirees in the affected areas, he said, how two more pensions will be credited and tomorrow Friday, earlier, exceptionally, the August pension will be paid to everyone.

These measures are direct application, at different times, "but everything will be done very quickly."

For the unemployed, in addition to the unemployment benefit of the OAED, the minister said that there would be an additional financial 650 euros, while an additional financial badistance of 8 EUR 000 will be granted to each company concerned, while for each person or family residing in the affected areas, a single allocation of EUR 5 000 and EUR 6 000 is provided for triplets or large

. a set of insurance benefits for the self-employed. Initially, the arrears of insurance contributions will be funded by the end of June, and current insurance contributions, payments will be suspended when they were in place or the compensation payments made. for six months from 1 July 2018.

insurers, those who want to use them will be able to do so with a simple reference to the EPA and through their AMKA and EFCA will identify them

A request will have to be made, he says, on the savings aids and aids.

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