In the United States for contacts with investors Tsakalotos – Houliarakis


In the United States, Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Deputy Finance Minister George Houliarakis are in charge of contacts with investment firms

. Tsakalotos and Houliarakis will have contacts with investors in New York on Monday and Tuesday (9 and 10 July) and in Boston on Wednesday, 11 July

DOLMAN: High surpluses limit growth

In a interview with Kathimerini on Sunday, Mr Dölmann noted that the government of the International Monetary Fund in Greece, Peter Dolmen, debt settlement agreement recently concluded the June Eurogroup improves the prospects for market access to the Greece

However, he warned that the country 's high primary surpluses, or 3.5% of GDP by 2022 and 2.2% by mid – way by 2060 Restrict the government's ability to support growth

"As a member of the euro area, Greece can not conduct an independent monetary policy.With these budget constraints, there are very few tools to support economic activity, "he said. .

FILIPRIFF: Self-defeating Report on Pensions and Tax Exemption

In addition, (19659002) In an interview with "THE FIRST THEME", Mr. FILIBRIFE noted that the reform package pensions and taxes, as well as any retaliatory measures, aim to guarantee the value of pensions by EWG head Hans Félibrif. promote justice and development and ensure a model of sustainable development in which investors and citizens will trust.

As he has said, "everything else is self-destructive, neither Greece nor its partners in the world." The eurozone wants to return to this path. "

The head of the EWG also pointed out that the monitoring does not involve new conditions, but complements the implementation of the reforms agreed in the framework of the ESM and the non-confidence shifting reforms introduced the last eight years.

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