
The preliminary urgent examination was ordered by the Attorney General's Office Elias Zagoros for the case of a 15-year-old student who was hanged on the balcony of his house in Argyroupoli on Sunday morning

The note left, in combination Information about the bullying of his comrades reports police investigations.

According to police sources, the young student names six of his clbadmates, while the message he left is his parents, mentioning among other things: "They destroyed me." Destroy them "

Mr. Zagoros ordered the opening of an investigation into the juvenile prosecutor who should begin questioning witnesses in order to shed light on the reasons that led to the Abduction of the child of 15. What we have done is not enough. "

The news shock, but also highlight the need for continued vigilance on the part of the child. State, school and family face a dangerous social phenomenon

"We are ready to support We declare that we have taken important steps, as a society and as institutions for the socialization of young people, to fight against intimidation, "said Pavlos Haramis, vice-president from the Institute for Education Policy, adding: "There is an incident like this. 15-year-old suicidal teenager to shake the stagnant waters of our anamnesis and show us that what we have done is not enough. Although there are still unknown key aspects of the drama that took place in the southern suburbs of Athens, all possibilities remain open. What is not, however, an objection, is that the first objective and priority of the new man's education must be respect for human life and, in general, the safeguarding of human rights. of the man. With an extremely competitive educational system, driven by an equally competitive society, with the mbad media and modern technology consistently providing a number of negative examples, it is not possible to achieve this. goal. We must intensify our efforts both in the school environment and in the broader social environment. The theme week was a step in this direction, complemented by more global and systematic interventions. And especially thanks to a closer cooperation between the school and the family. "

The 15-year-old newspaper was found

In the 15-year-old newspaper, the authorities search for the reasons that led to suicide.As reported, according to police sources, in the psychological abuse that they received from their clbadmates and friends, but without naming them.According to the information reported by ERT, he began writing his first notes in early June

.The last episode mentioned in his The newspaper was recorded on July 6, where he fought with his girlfriend and friends who were in the same group, which, according to the police, appears to have negatively influenced him and decided to end his life. At dawn and a half of Sunday he was found by his parents hanging on the pergola of the house.

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In the notes, in addition to the words "d". love for his family, he mentioned the pressures that he accepted, he named six young characters writing: "They destroyed me. Destroy them.


Parents and friends of the child of 15 years old should file the following days. In his last note in the newspaper, he asks a thousand apologies from his parents and his brother, stressing that he loves them a lot but "is not worth living alone for them."

As Star l & # 39; reported with his clbadmates, the young man looked happy, even unstable at Instagram. However, she has had psychological changes like all children in adolescence.

The young man who spoke to the chain said, "We were often sitting in the same room, we were talking … It was an open child. He has never shown anyone anything that concerns him. He also did not look like a lonely guy. He was happy. This was not a character who, whatever he says, made fun of him. Even though I was with him every day, I had never seen anything at school, something to hurt him or ridicule him. Just one or two children could come to me and tell me something about him. "

" We celebrated together and we were together. He was happy, laughed, did not seem to worry for him. Then he arranged with the rest of the children to meet again when we wanted, but not Monday or Friday because he would give a Spanish degree. "

As she says," nobody understands anything and that's what shocks us all. The fact that we all knew him and nobody ever understood him. We are all crazy. Even the closest friends did not seem to mind the least. "

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