Intimidation in Limanonisia with the drunken commander of the ship


Owner of a ferry from Fthiotida to Lichadonisia bearing bathers, has escaped today from the borders causing a great disturbance .

In the morning, he made the normal trip, landing his clients in Lichandonessia. However, according to the report as long as he was there waiting to take them back, he was drinking alcohol

When came the time to come back, the man ] was unable to steer the boat ]

Indeed, his customers refused boarding and tried to prevent him from climbing .

But he got out and took the boat and left, as they say information, moving dangerously

The incident was informed from the port and immediately reported an alarm. (19459015) led to the port of Stylida, to explain .

They presented him with alcohol and as it turned out alcohol in his blood exceeded the prescribed limit .

At his own expense, a lawsuit was instituted and administrative and penal sanctions were imposed on him

and his clients returned with other vessels [19659004] (

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