IOBE: The shock of the crisis of employment and wages


The onset of the crisis and the subsequent fiscal adjustment had a significant impact on the link between education and the labor market.
The sharp drop in employment and the rise in unemployment deeply upset the already problematic relationship between education and the labor market, which had been shaped and strengthened before the crisis. In particular, after 2009:

– The largest decline in employment in terms of education was recorded among those with less education in primary and lower secondary education, as opposed to graduates of higher education

. the share of higher education graduates in total employment has increased by some 10 points (from 21.4% in 2009 to 30.9% in 2017), postgraduate / doctoral students of 4 points (from 0.7% to 4.8%%) and high school graduates by 3 points (from 31.7% to 34.7%), The employment rate declined at all levels of the Education, making it the lowest rate of all EU-28 countries for the average and the unemployment rate. higher education, and below the EU-28 average for poorly educated graduates.

As an indication, the rate of employment in higher education in Greece is 66% 78% in the EU-28, while the second worst performance is Croatia with 73 %.

– The largest increase in the number of unemployed was among higher education graduates (179.1%), followed by high school graduates 138.4%), while the lowest among unemployed with primary education (55.6%).

– Despite the fact that the total share of the unemployed is the largest share of graduates from high school to high school – almost unchanged the last 2 decades, the largest share increase, by 5 points, since its creation (19% in 24%)

– Higher education graduates with postgraduate or doctoral studies have increased (with an average annual rate of change of 1.8% and 8.2% respectively), while that those with a low or medium level of education have dropped. However, employment in the public sector with higher education fell to an average annual rate of change of 4.3%

Despite the increase in the unemployed after the onset of the crisis, their rate of Unemployment more than doubled (from 7% to 17.1% in 2017), remain the lowest among the education levels, due to the expulsion of many abroad

D & D On the other hand, access to the labor market is easier for people with postgraduate or doctoral studies, as the unemployment rate has been around 10% in 2017, compared to 7% in in the year 2009.

– Employment and unemployment rates are deteriorating for those who have recently graduated from all levels of education, showing the greatest difficulties of all. employed by those who finish their studies

.- The rates of new unemployed – (43% in 2017, compared to 39% in 2009 and 43% in 2001), followed by s Graduates of higher education (29% in 2017), graduates of higher education (29% in 2017 and in 2009 of 17% in 2001) 2] – The degree of relevance of the l 39; Worker education of middle-aged workers places Greece in 25th place among the 28 countries of the European Union, although graduates from technical and vocational secondary education in Greece are more relevant that graduates of general secondary education in education

-Training has a positive impact on employment prospects like for example. Compared to high school graduates, university graduates and TEIs are more likely to work (65% and 41% respectively).

– The impact of access to employment, in particular, was reinforced during the crisis.

– The employment chances of university graduates in the public sector between 2008 and 2016 have dropped significantly, while TEIs have significantly increased their chances of employment in the private sector, covering a significant portion of their distance from graduates (from 44.3% in 2008 to only 7.7% in 2016)

Significant increases in employment opportunities in the private sector were also observed for postgraduate and postgraduate students. doctorate, which indicates an increasingly marked recovery Employment of graduates of higher education in the private sector

– The wages of workers, although reduced in 2016 compared to 2008, is positively correlated with the level of education. The effect of the level of education on labor income is maintained during the crisis, but with less intensity between levels of education

.- While the salary is lower to men, the value of education – on the basis of labor wages – is higher than men

– Significant wage gap between public and private sector workers, at all levels of employment. Teaching

Private sector workers pay lower wages than the smaller or larger public sector, and the level of education, as a determinant of earnings, has less impact on the private sector than on the public sector

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