It is inaccurate that the single emergency assistance concerns only supplementary and non-supplementary pensions


"That ignorance, misunderstanding or feasibility is the inaccurate commentary of the newspaper" The Evening ", claiming that the only emergency allowance is only for the complementary pensions rather than the principal, "said the Ministry of Labor in a statement.

At the same time, he notes that he announced that the applications for main pensions, supplementary pensions and dividends from EFCA, ETEAP and MTPE respectively, which were or will be submitted by the fire victims until 30/9, 2018.

The announcement also notes that the Ministry of Labor has announced concrete measures to support fellow citizens furious against fires in Attica, with particular reference to "payment of a single emergency aid equivalent to the gross amount of two main monthly pensions, to unsuitable pensioners of the EMPA" and to the "payment of the sum of an emergency emergency grant equal to the gross amount of two (2) monthly supplementary pensions and two (2) monthly dividends to the TEAEP and MTRP counterparties, respectively. "

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