Katsikis votes against simple analogous and separating regions POLITICS


Contrary to the introduction of the simple badogy with autonomous elections and the division of major regions, Kostas Katsikis, parliamentary representative of ANEL, declared

that the new electoral system would lead to anomalies and would be hostage to the mood of the minority majority in municipal elections, especially in our country, where there is no consensual culture.

"Consider how difficult it will be in a multi-faceted environment to spend each year on Stitches project" said MP ANEL to emphasize significant: "

" Yes is the simple badog ideology. But the simple badogy of a single Sunday is the obsession. "

The MP said the government was suggesting a" strangeness "that" like an old self-governed person with experience and knowledge in this field is obliged to vote. "

M. Katsikis and the division of the great regions

"Please explain why the division of the Attica region helps small parties mainly in their best representation? Which badures them that they will be represented in both parts of partitioned region? Nobody On the contrary, it is certain that the divided region will not be represented by a deputy of a small party ", declared the MEP ANEL and added:

" In this Assembly, the Six parties are six, and I am very impressed that Potami, who can be sure of his uncertain and gloomy future, but especially of PASOK, is in favor of the division of regions. "

" Such an important step should be taken in further study, seek the consensus of the political world.I mainly ask colleagues fellow members of the Fraternity that we have the honor of being elected in the region of Attica, how the representative Does it increase when seats are on 14 and when people who trust us will vote for people who do not even know? Katsikis and added:

"Explain to me that this score will help small parties, unless your unequivocal answer, with which the ND party in particular agrees, is that the goal is dissolving the small parties, for the sake of understanding, but for SYRIZA that a small party is a partner of the government, I can not understand it. "

The MP also stated that the constitutional issues would raise of supervision of municipalities

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