Kavas ND – SYRIZA for loans from the Tsipras family


A new war between New Democracy and SYRIZA causes a newspaper published by Parapolitiki, according to which the technical company Diodos, which belongs to the brothers and sisters of Prime Minister Dimitris Tsipras and Zanet Tsipras, "succeeded" in 2016 the settlement of 39, a loan of EUR 243,544, with monthly payments of only EUR 300.

"Mr. Tsipras, who represents the moral thirst, must explain to the citizens, as well as to the companies that he banned with his taxes, how an enterprise that belongs by chance to his brothers and sisters has managed to repay a loan with just 300 euros a month, when only monthly interest rates exceed 1000 euros.

If Mr. Tsipras is in trouble, let him say something else: the company Diodos is the same than the one that tried in 2012 to take over a public project of more than 1 million euros from the North Aegean region by submitting a false update; we will come back, "said New Democracy in a statement.

"Greek justice will be called to judge the murder of characters, which, at the order of Mr. Mitsotakis, is committed by this newspaper.But the morons who hide behind them have not d & rsquo; Neither the clouds nor the Noor1, nor thunderstorms nor the traffic of darkness will be forgotten, "said SYRIZA, commenting on the current Parapolitics report,

the press office announcement Syriza reports:

Survivors of Chanel Chrysanthus seaside gifts, her family off, fuzzy financial transactions, and monstrous SW loans and turbanies, Kyriakos Mitsotakis stepped down one step further on the scale of the self-immolation.] Preg Ihle a few days ago in the House ordered mud against the family of the prime minister, his friend and the best man, Vangelis Marinakis, l & # 39; well-known businessman and accused of heavy acts of kakourgimatikes.

The objective of Mr. panicked, Mitsotakis is obvious. To prove that we are all the same

The "terrible", however, the revelation of today that he has announced in the House, ends up making them far worse for him: they make fun of the stones.

How to badimilate one who has difficulty coping with the crisis, and transparently organizes his loan, with the one funded by the suspect offshore, does not pay a penny for his loan, and ensures outrageous arrangements? if this were the case, half of the Greeks who settled their bank loans would be homogeneous with the offshore morality that characterized Mr. Mitsotakis. And they should be blamed as sympathizers of those who allegedly regulate it for not paying

Worse, however, and it is the brutal, debauched and vulgar attack of the mud, the same newspaper, against it ,

Greek justice will be called to judge the murder of characters who, at the order of Mr. Mitsotakis, is committed by the particular newspaper

The moral writers who hide behind them, do not have any delusional ideas. Neither the clouds nor the Noor1, nor the thorns, nor the crafts of darkness should be forgotten.

They are in a position with their miseries to induce innocents and those who know the truth, and

Forward, Mr. Mitsotakis. "

The Journal" Parapolitics "


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