Landing of a plane in Lagarde – No injuries reported | World


An aircraft flying an American Airlines flight by the Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, made an emergency landing in Argentina shortly after taking off from the airport International Festival of Esbad in Buenos Aires Sunday,

According to the electronic versions of the newspapers Clarín and La Nación, as well as the Argentine TN TV channel, the plane that was flying to the United States was undergoing a reduction from the air pressure in the pbadenger cabin while he was flying

Lagardez was in Argentina for the G20 Finance Ministers and Head of the G20 Central Banks, held in Argentina, and is held in Argentina on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the G20.

(Source: ΑΠΕ-ΑΒΕΕ)

No case of injury caused by this incident has been reported. Re:

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