Mammoth at Google for monopoly imposed by the Commission


The Commission notes that since 2011, Google has imposed unjustified restrictions on Android device manufacturers and mobile network operators in order to consolidate its dominant position in Internet research

a definitive end to this practice within 90 days, if not fines of up to 5% of the average daily business income of Google parent company's parent company

Margaret Bethesdaer, Commissioner responsible for the policies said the The case involves three types of legal restrictions imposed by Google on Android device manufacturers and network operators to ensure that traffic on Android devices goes to Google's search engine. "In this way, Google has used Android as a way to consolidate the dominance of its search engine.These practices have deprived competitors of the opportunity to innovate and compete on a meritocratic basis.They have deprived consumers the advantages of effective competition in the important mobile sector.These practices are illegal under the EU antitrust rules, "said Commissioner Vesteyir

. Commission concludes that Google is dominant in the global search engine service markets, intelligent mobile operating systems, which can also be licensed for mobile OS application stores. Android

In particular, the Commission stresses that Google is in a dominant position in national markets general research throughout the European Economic Area (EEA), either all 31 EEA countries with market shares of over 90% in most EEA countries

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