Maximus: Decisions on the ratification process when FYROM fulfills its commitments


The government will adhere to the exact terms of the Prespa agreement, said the press office of the prime minister in a statement in response to statements by Defense Minister Panos Kammenos, who pointed out in the morning that the Agreement would not come

The Maximos mansion mentions that "the Greek government is a two-party coalition government and still operates collectively under the Constitution and laws"

. Maximos Maximos said that after the completion of the parliamentary ratification by the FYROM, the Greek side agreed to start negotiations, which will lead to a protocol of accession if and only if the constitutional reform is successfully completed and the referendum in the neighboring country. "These procedures should be completed at the earliest by the end of the year," says Maximos Mansion.

He also points out that "the Greek Government will then bring to the Greek Parliament both the agreement, which only after the ratification of both sides comes into force as well as the protocol of accession of the NATO to the neighboring state that will be drafted only if the neighbor fulfills the above conditions. "

The Maximos mansion notes that the government's wish is" the settlement agreement a problem p for years, our foreign policy had the maximum majority in the House. "

" When the other party fits well with the commitments under the Agreement, the government will make decisions in the process. "Collectively ratified , always respecting the international commitments as well as the Constitution of the country ", adds Maximos.

In conclusion, he fired shots at the president of the New Democracy. Kyriakou Mitsotakis, reproaching him that "he has already been recorded in history as the first leader of the opposition to demand and predict elections since the beginning of the government's mandate, and this will be the end of the term, it is good to stop being exposed ". "That he reminds him of the proverb with the shepherd and the wolf.At the end, the wolf will come and no shepherd will believe …", concludes the mansion Maxix

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