Meanwhile Prime Minister Mitsotakis – Tsipras' Waterloo in Parliament


Kyriakos Mitsotakis showed yesterday a prime minister.

The time is now overthrown for Worse Government of the Transition which, as it was revealed yesterday in the House, was perceived by Tsipras and Kammenos. Who particularly defeated (especially Tsipras) apparently because they realized that the game no longer runs …

"Who do you laugh at Tsipra?" for a sentence that Kyriakos Mitsotakis used more than ten times in his two-day speeches in the House.

This sentence was indicative of the tactics followed by President ND who wanted to break the paragraph of the Cypriot Government's narrative –

M. Mt. sottakis, with a sharp, dishonest, but always accompanied by suggestions and quotes of specific and measurable elements, avoided entering the logic of easy criticism and populism

It is worth noting that both at the initiation and at the the main opposition leader filed more than ten cards in order to confirm his words, wishing to show the distance that separates him from Mr. Tsipras in l 39;

Of course, most of the time, it was to bring Mitsotakis to table an amendment to abolish the impending reduction of pensions. A movement that asked the Prime Minister to support it, basically an option that fell into the void, causing the government staff to become embarrbading

"We, Mr. Tsipras, have prepared an amendment. I have seen here that Ms. Gennimatas has also introduced a relevant bill.This is an amendment that says very simply: come and vote together for pensions not to be reduced

If you have the courage, come and vote either on our own proposal or on Mrs. Gennimata, to really prove who is a hypocrite in this room, who says the truth and who makes fun of the Greek people, "asks the president of ND.

Kyriakos Mitsotakis also did not shy away from tackling a more personal subject, that of personal attacks that his wife sometimes receives from specific editorial groups. The head of the main opposition, holding the court decision papers in which Ms. Mitsotaki's case was filed, addressed Mr. Tsipras to the first person

"From the first moment the case has been filed, the attorney neither you nor Mr. Vaxevanis are you.I forbid you to talk about my husband.It's crazy what you do ,? he stressed out loud, showing that he represented a different philosophy.

Those who attended the parliamentary debate yesterday realized that Kyriakos Mitsotakis made a strategic decision. It leaves no unanswered challenge, especially in the area of ​​transparency

According to informed sources, the opposition leader will now speak with "names and addresses" whenever he is caused, a taste was given yesterday, but according to informed sources is followed …

"Ask Mr. Tsipras if his parents have a company that has settled his loans and on what terms.No more than two meters long, "said Mitsotakis

At the same time, polls continue to be particularly favorable to ND.The half-yearly trends of the MRB with a sample of 2000 people that took place between June 22 and 29, the next day of the Eurogroup, with a real vote, hide positive evidence for the main opposition party.

%, the poll contains a question, in which the answer implies that the victory of ND in the next elections is of "pre to build the rails. "

In the question, which of the two parties, SYRIZA or ND, do you want to win even with a vote difference in the upcoming parliamentary elections 36.7% and SYRIZA 25.3%.

It should be noted that the results of this question in September 2015 had predicted the true difference that SYRIZA had finally had with ND, although the intention then to vote [19659904] + "/>

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