Memorandum of Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of IKAA for the Extraversion of Enterprises


A Memorandum of Understanding was signed today between the President of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry Konstantinos Mihalos and the Secretary General for International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Foreign Affairs Yannis Brachos

The Memorandum of Understanding is signed on the occasion of this event pharmaceutical and cosmetic products "between the EMEA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Memorandum of Cooperation has the following object:

• Undertake initiatives and co-organize actions to strengthen the extroversion of Greek companies and their access to international markets, on issues of mutual interest

• Co -organisation of educational seminars and events intended for the business world by relying on the network of the DSI

• Exchange of public information such as the activities of expor target markets and agreements affecting economic activity

• Co-operation in the dissemination of information on mutual funds through the interoperability of the information system of EBAA. with the portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

• Cooperation on the possibility of using the resources of the co-financed operational programs, the European Structural Funds and the public investment program and / or other instruments for the development of mechanisms and the implementation of actions related to the improvement of the outward orientation of Greek enterprises, exploiting existing structures or initiatives but exploring new ones

Cooperation with the incubator incubator of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Athens with the aim of developing the competitiveness of Greek companies and the economy in general

In his speech, Mr Michalos stated inter alia that "as ACCI, we consider that exorbitant entrepreneurship can and must become a driving force in the coming years for access to unleash the growth of the Greek economy on the basis of strong fundamentals. "

With the memorandum, as a level, the level of services of the Chamber of Commerce

– Through the co-organization of training and information actions for companies, in using the network of the offices of the DSI …

– Through the training of the new cadres of the Greek embbadies objectives, capacities and needs of the Greek exporters on each market …

– By the exchange of Information, coordination and monitoring of the annual program of extroversion, as well as the joint use of digital communication tools

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