Mistakes in the recovery of fire victims are reported by POEDIN – Society


The Panhellenic Federation of Public Hospital Workers, the political leadership of the Ministry of National Defense, is a serious mistake in collecting fire victims and treating burns.

"Mr. Kammenos sent boats to collect the victims of the Mati and Red Harbor fire 6 hours later without being accompanied by doctors to do the kind of embarkation. no wounded preceded.Military hospitals are on the lookout for the lack of burnout, even if it was a waste, "said POEDIN

Employees of public hospitals and hospitals "Why has nobody been burned at the Navy Hospital, 251, at 401 and in NIMTS, although being closer to the fire than Evangelismos and all of them?" the incidents in EVANGELISM and SISMANOGLES were transferred "

In fact, as they argue," the wounded and burned who were transferred to our hospital SISANOGLIO they complained of being for hours in the sea , and the first ships of the army and the port were approaching six o'clock They have been approached by private boats, but the worst of all is that Mr. Kammenos did not take care that the ships of the army and the port were accompanied by a military doctor to sort them out. firefighters aboard the boats in order to get the heavier wounded. "

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