Mitsotakis puts ND in the electoral preparation: "Mr. Tsipras to hold elections before the TIF"


By Dimitris Gatsiou

The leader of the New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, threw … the glove to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to announce early elections before the International Fair of Thessaloniki. The approach of the Political Committee of the main opposition party M. Mitsotakis noticed that SYRIZA and the independent Greeks run their country last summer. At the same time, called the leaders of the party "blue" to the pranks declaring sure of the victory of the New Democracy, through the creation of a broad social alliance

"A sudden from the eye is enough to see the reality.The impbade that leads the country to inadequacy and demagoguery of the government.Peagogy that will intensify, go to the elections, like c & # 39; is the last summer Tsipra-Kamenou in power The summer lawn does not exist for us We are close to the citizens We carry our word across the country We transform the sad prospect of SYRIZA-ANEL in an optimistic prologue of the new Greece that we envision and conceive.The counter-attack of SYRIZA has turned into a disorderly retreat.They pursue the events that it has created.The painful agreement National Prespa, the 4th Informal Memorandum, all this with a lot of new The following months are critical. We must finally reveal the story of the supposed end of the memoranda. The more SYRIZA lives in power, the worse it is for Greece. As they are ready to give up everything, they can hold elections at any time. We are ready Every time elections are held, we will win them by building a strong social alliance. I suggest to Mr. Tsipras to announce the elections before going to the International Exhibition. "

Unreliable and detached from society by Tsipras

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, addressing the people of Cyprus, The leaders of the main opposition, who called them to … plow Greece, introducing the program "blue" for the economy and the daily routine of citizens, said that the road to the polling stations is not planned smooth.In this way, once again in the foreground, the constant appreciation of Piraeus Street, which Maximos and Alexis Tsipras will do?

"We are already in a pre-electoral environment. SYRIZA and the Greeks Independents quarrel with the adventure. Political life has entered a vicious circle. Where government weakness stops, party style adventurism begins. Tsipras and Burned will do everything to stay in power. As long as it becomes more and more difficult, things will go to extremes. They vote for tough measures that put Greece in misery. Then they resort to blunt promises. When to postpone the measures they signed, when for some bonuses. As long as they rule Greece, our homeland will be considered unreliable. The 4th Memorandum is the price of their unreliability. For a friendly reaction, the country was led to an adventure. I'm talking about Skopje and not only. The government plays power games, while society pays taxes and is in danger of poverty. Mr. Tsipras puts the tie on Zappeion and prepares to go to Kastelorizo. Citizens who struggle every day on all fronts are outraged when they see the fists of an unreliable person and cut off from the prime minister. Make as many friends as he wants. Citizens do not listen to it, do not believe it or give it another chance.

In his speech, the President of the New Democracy focused on both the front of the foreign agenda and on the issues of opening up home affairs

"The Greece is already suffering the negative effects of the Prespa agreement, and over time we have warned them that every day the Skopjans already invoke the "Macedonian" identity and the language that has been given to them. also the NATO pbadport that was given to them by Mr. Tsipras, Kammenos and Kotzias, depriving the country of the most powerful bargaining weapon.A national line, which found its crown with Costas Karamanlis in Bucharest, was abandoned in a few weeks.The government is again engaged in secret diplomacy.All that is done with Albania, is give more and take less.All this, while our two officers remain prisoners for five months now in Turkey ", he said.

As regards internal affairs, Mr. Mitsotakis pointed out that under the responsibility of SYRIZA-ANEL the route of the 4th Memorandum to 2022 has been engraved. "The government has voted on the reduction of pensions and tax exemptions as well as the abolition of the EKAS," he stressed and described as "hollow dirigibles" the history of Tsipra's cover on … a clean exit. "The bill will pay for it at the ballot box, no matter how much they try to escape," he noted.



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