Monks and mediums cherish debtors cheats of red loans – Greece


<img title = "Ο τρόπος δράσης των μελών του κυκλώματος ξεπερνάει και τον πιο ευφάνταστο σεναριογράφο, αφού δεν υπήρχε ούτε ένα σημείο αλήθειας σε ό, τι έκαναν (φωτογραφία αρχείου)." alt = "The way the members of the circuit go beyond the most imaginative screenwriter, because there was not even a point of truth in what they did (picture of record). Source: Eurokinissi

With collaborators, priests and mentors, pseudo-magistrates and his "badociates" to grudge had earned nearly 2.3 million euros in five years, misleading the people affected by the crisis and looking for a way out that he did not

It is a masterfully structured circuit that has been intensively trained under the pretext that it is not the same. He could pay the loans of his victims and was dismantled by the Division of Organized Crime and Human Trafficking.

The mode of action of the members of the circuit goes beyond the most imaginative screenwriter, since There was even no truth in what they did

They were working with. .. known

] The case was revealed the leader of the circuit aged 46, her husband aged 44 and another man and woman of 50 years, were arrested Monday in Athens, Thessaloniki and Imathia, while their co-defendants for committing fraud are a 48-year-old woman and an 82-year-old

As the police have known, the circuit through a network of monks well known, including monks and priests borrowed by borrowers

The 46-year-old man has appeared as a lawyer and economist, with a large law firm in Thessaloniki, promising to settle his debts by l & rsquo; Direct hearing of cases, settlements with banks and even in extremely complex cases that "seemed impossible" until that time

To this end, the pseudo-lawyer claimed to have had relations privileged with the state, banks, or even the PEJ, so-called


The appointment with the "clients" turned 46 in cafes, hotels or houses of victims, and to give her prestige, she appeared either with her husband 44 years old who served as an air force pilot or air force, either with a university professor. 50 years old, who recommended him as … his armed bodyguard.

He asks with the victims all the necessary documents of the case, citing the creation of a file in order to really evaluate the badets and the creation of an economic profile for the To finally choose people with a financial background.

The members of the circuit then demanded the payment of large sums of money or other purses (valuables or immovable property) that were supposed to be necessary to carry out the required actions (covering legal fees, covering bank charges, (19659004) Suddenly … gone

Communication with the victims was then interrupted on the pretext that the 46-year-old man had serious problems the health constraints, forcing her to be either a bed linen or a hospital.

Since the survey so far, the circuit has been able to cheat at least 20 people since 2013, while he would have obtained an illegal badet of more than 2 280 000 euros (cash, bank transfers, bank checks, currencies, real estate,

In their possession as well as home searches, a number of documents and others documents were found and seized, pro before their action. [19659904] The arrested persons were arrested on Tuesday

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