More than 70 million user accounts have been suspended


Twitter Inc. suspended more than 70 million user accounts in the last two months – nearly a million a day – in an attempt to reduce the flow of false information on the platform of Social networking, according to the Washington Post

Twitter and other social platforms such as Facebook are under the control of US lawmakers and international regulators as they are accused of doing little to prevent the spread of false content . as well as deleting user accounts by introducing updates and actively monitoring content to help users avoid being victimized by fraudulent content

Twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts in May and June. "It's hard to believe that 70 million accounts were affected, while Twitter has only $ 336 million," said the Washington Post yesterday, citing data in its possession. " was inactive … and will have little impact on the number of active users (MAU)," said Michael Patcher, Wedbush badyst. "says Patcher at Reuters.

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