Moscovice: The Eurogroup agreement in June was the best for Greece – economic news of the day


"The completion of the Greek program is extremely new for Greece and the euro area," said Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovic at its plenary session at the European Parliament's plenary session Greece Wednesday in Strasbourg.

He said that this is not really the time for tribulations nor for disasters, as if Greece had not been fully saved, it's better, because it has achieved results impressive financial Mr Moskovis described the June Eurogroup agreement as "the best possible deal", he said, "responding to the interests and needs of the Greek people" while guaranteeing the partners of Greece "the freedom to and time "in the country. focus on economic growth. Responding to his criticism of the country's post-mortem control, Mr Moskovis insisted that the agreement is not a "fourth hidden memorandum", but that it aims at ensuring reforms structural and to strengthen market confidence

You accused me of playing a political game, "said P. Moskovisis and added that he does not consider this attitude" honest "because s & # 39; He plays a toy, he is "the game of Europe". "The Commission supported all governments, I worked with Prime Minister Samaras and his predecessors, like Tsipra and Tsakaloto, because that I love Greece, "he said, stressing that" political pbadions should not lead to abolition at the expense of the country. "" There are indeed many improvements that could to be done but the course is right. For its part, the president of the Eurogroup, Mario Senteno, concluding the debate at Eurovoulus, declared "even more convinced" that "the future success of Greece depends on the sustainability of the reforms". Noting that the reforms are "slowly maturing" and that the time needed should be granted.

He also said that "we have many reasons to be proud" that Greece joins the group of countries that have successfully pbaded the program, stressing that the country is "ready to turn the page" and "well equipped" to maintain a balanced and sustainable growth – and the euro is "stronger than this experience".

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