MRI has been published with measures for affected people |


The Legislative Content Act was published in the Government Gazette, which specifies – to a certain extent, as a series of ministerial decisions – the details of the activation of remedial measures

. MFN even provides tax exemptions for companies free money donations, free studies by infrastructure engineers to repair property damage, free pbades, vehicle deletions from the Ministry of Transport records of express procedures, offsets for environmental restorations and tax extensions not only for those who are in the jurisdiction of the tax offices PALLIS and Eleusinas, but also for those who have been affected in one way or another by the tax authorities. devastating fire

which has already been announced by the Government through the intermediary of the Government Representative, the Law on the legislative content, includes the following:

1. Free transits until July 29 for all LCs at Elefsina, Nea Peramos, Pahis Megara and Agion Theodoroi

2. The removal of damaged vehicles from the permit registers with a certificate from the municipality or the insurance company and without registration or plates if they do not exist. In case of false declaration, a fine of 1500 EUR will be charged.

3. Financial aid of any kind (for example 5,000 euros for individuals, 6,000 euros for large and triples or 8,000 euros for businesses) will be exempt from tax and unbearable

4. Company donations will be deducted up to 5% of their turnover, for this purpose it will be necessary to register the VAT number of the company in deposit

5 . Compensation will be paid to restore the surrounding property if it has been damaged. The MRP also provides for free studies to be carried out to repair the damage (to be carried out by engineers to whom the Ministry of Infrastructure will entrust the project)

6. It provides for the replacement of drugs and medical facilities for those affected without stakeholder participation

; Tax returns are not only extended to people who belong to the tax office of PALLINI or Eleusina, but also to all those who have been damaged by fires (for example, relatives who have suffered a physical injury or deceased)

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