Mytilineos Group: 1 million euros for people affected by fires


An amount of 1 million euros was paid to the victims of the fires by Mytileneos

As stated in a relevant announcement, "With all the MYTILINEOS who work in the pain of those who left and we cry the loss of those they "left" the great national disaster in Attica July 23, 2018.

Small council of respect and badistance to our fellow man, our board of directors decided:

1. The deposit of an amount of 1 million euros in the special account of badistance of the Bank of Greece

2. Protergia will proceed to a complete cancellation of the amounts due to all its consumers that were damaged by their building and will provide free electricity for two months to all other consumers in the cracked area. (Details will be given to beneficiaries in detail)

.3 The extraordinary gift of employees in e offices t all the facilities of society for the wounded hospitalized –

4. Our participation in the BSE initiative for the restoration of infrastructure projects in the region


Deeply overwhelmed by the loss of so many people, we express our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. "

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