Need for a National Spatial Plan with a Broader Political Consensus


In the need to reform the civil protection system, Environment Minister George Stathakis said that "we are not ready to face such an extreme phenomenon".

However, Mr. Stathakis pointed out that "civil protection is universal and does not distinguish citizens from those who are arbitrary or not," adding that primary care is human life.

The Minister of the Environment, addressing the ERT, called for broader policy coordination to address past misbehavior in land-use planning by establishing new rules for existing problem areas. "The arbitrary structure in the country is located 90% in three regions, Attica, Halkidiki and 1-2 other points."

For the settlement of arbitrariness

"There are arbitrarily settleable and other no or for other reasons.The current urban image can not be reproduced in Mati" said George Stathakis.

Regarding the arbitrary, the minister said that he had rules and that he could fit into premises with conditions. They can not be in a forest or a beach.

80% of PPC substations were restored

The Minister of Environment and Energy stated that 80% of PPC substations had been restored and that 6,200 connections had been restored. have been installed. were destroyed. The meeting of the houses requires that there are electricians who will make the final badessment and the final connection. For this purpose, the Regional Directorate of Regional Development (DEDDIE) has local offices in this region

Regarding the environment, Mati is not a forest area, while Neos Voutzas l & # 39; 39; is. A reforestation operation will take place in the area and will be cleaned.

By the end of 2018, the forest maps completed

M. Stathakis refer to the forest maps for a major reform and announce that by the end of 2019, the country will be in the hands of the forest chambers. has 100% certified forest maps. There will be no question of what is the forest. The same thing will happen with the beaches.

For water courses, Mr. Stathakis said that we have a very small percentage of their demarcation by municipalities, which must be done in a credible way, as is done with maps forest. "It's a matter of political will," he added, noting that there are already fines on individuals and municipalities for taking control of waterways.

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