New export growth in May – Main destinations


Greek exports rose again in May 2018, maintaining the momentum that they have developed since the end of last year

. At the same time, a further decline in the trade deficit has gradually decreased in the last few months.

The export industry for the fifth consecutive month since the beginning of this year shows unprecedented momentum, capital controls, high taxes, etc., proving that it could be a mainstay for the return of the Greek economy in height

More specifically, according to an badysis of the Association of Panhellenic Exporters and the Center for Studies and Export Research (KEDEM), the Greek exporters), on the temporary elements of ELSTAT, exports, including petroleum products, increased by 369.6 million euros, or 14.4% in May 2018, to 2.94 billion euros, against 2.57 billion euro euros in the corresponding period of 2017.

Kd moved and exports excluding oil. In particular, they rose 8.4%, or 144.6 million euros, to 1.87 billion euros, against 1.73 billion euros.

The situation is similar between January and May 2018. Exports increased by 1.61 billion euros or 13.7% to 13.41 billion euros against 11.80 billion euros , while non – oil petroleum products rose from 8.02 billion euros to 9.02 billion euros, or 997.8 million or 12.4%

. Imports also increased

Imports also increased in May 2018, which increased by 94.5 million euros or 2.2% to 4.4 billion euros against 4.31 billion euros. 39 euros for the same month of 2017. In contrast, excluding petroleum products, imports of goods rose from 3.37 billion euros to 3.32 billion euros, or 41.4 million euros. million euros, or 1.2%

Imports during the period from January to May 2018 slightly increased by 84.2 million euros, or 0.4%, their total value is establishing at 21.96 billion euros against 21, 88 billion euros for the same period of 2017. Excluding petroleum products, imports fell by 16.82 billion euros to 16.14 billion euros, or 677.9 million euros or 4%

As a result of the aforementioned movements, the trade deficit decreased by 275.1 million euros in May 2018 , or 15.8%, to 1.46 billion euros against 1.74 billion euros in the corresponding month of the trade deficit has been reduced to 1.45 billion euros. against 1.64 billion euros, or 185.3 million euros, or 11.3%.

Over the five-month period of 2018, the trade deficit dropped significantly to 1.53 billion euros or 15.2%, to 8.55 billion euros against 10.08 billion euros. 39, euros for the corresponding period of 2017. Without oil, the trade deficit rose from 7.12 billion, 79 billion euros, or 1.67 billion euros,

With respect to the export structure by geographic area in May 2018, there is a significant increase in exports to all destinations. Thus, the total value of exports, including petroleum products, is increased both to the EU countries (+7.8) and to third countries (+ 21.1%). Excluding petroleum products, exports increased by 11.7% for the EU countries and by 1.7% for the third countries.

Regarding the percentage of exports destined for the markets of the Member States, including a 50% drop to 49.5% compared with 52.5% in May 2017, while the share of exports to third countries exceeds 50% and stands at 50.5% compared to 47.5% in May 2017. Excluding petroleum products, the share of exports to EU countries is 68.4%. % and

For major product categories, in May 2018, all sectors were up, excluding petroleum (-21%), machinery (-3%) and confidential products (-5.8%). The largest increase was in the beverages and tobacco sector (37.8%), fuels (+ 28.2%), chemicals (+ 15.9%) and foodstuffs (11.2%). ) and industrial products. (+ 11.1%)

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