NPL reduction objectives will be achieved


The optimism that will achieve the goals of reducing unproductive loans set for the year 2019, said the Secretary General of the Hellenic Bank Association, Prof. Haroula Apalagaki, at the EEDE Banking Forum

As APA-MPA reports, Apalagaki pointed out that the creation of the large number of unproductive loans in our country was not mainly in because of the "generous strategy of credit expansion followed by banks" for a long time. period before the crisis – as it is customary to be supported – but are a consequence of horizontal movements that did not come from banks, and cultivated the culture of non-payment [19659002] Apalagaki referring to the results that have modern tools for dealing with problems created unproductive loans in business, as the extrajudicial mechanism stated that he did not believe that the banking system supported them not. The fact that there is no presence and acceptance of business is not due to the banks who enthusiastically supported the effort, he said.

Referring to the return of banks to profitability, Apalagakis noted among other things that its continuation presupposes further development and new credits . He referred in particular to the new criteria to be adopted in the field of finance, and in particular to the criterion of sustainable development for granting new loans.

Regarding the return of deposits, about 9% of those who left ] (about 14.6 billion euros), a trend that will continue to come back to about 30% over a three year horizon

Apalagaki mentioned, inter alia, the framework governing the corporate governance of Greek banks, emphasizing that should be considered amendments to allow everyone to participate in certain critical positions in our banking structure.

Speaking in general terms about the regulatory framework at European level, we noted that we have sustainable volatility in terms of sustainable development and bad debt management, which creates a degree of uncertainty and uncertainty. liquidity and obliges banks to adapt continuously. The settlement should not be an end in itself, but the focus should be on the contribution of banks to growth and social impact.

The SCF also discussed developments at the European level related to banking competition with the market. third parties especially in the field of payments, stressing that it should be done with equal supervision supervision for all

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