OPEC: 3rd installment for Child Benefit 2018 today


The payment of A21 family allowance provided by OPECA begins. The third installment of the child benefit will be paid today

In total, 762,000 families across Greece will now receive the family allowance from the A21 provided by the 39; OPECA. It should be noted that the payment is for the period of two months May – June. As stated in an official announcement, the 2017 child compensation claims, verified and cleared, will be paid by early payment in early August


The OPECA leadership expresses deep sadness at the tragedy that struck Attica and expressed its deepest condolences to the relatives of the victims

To inform beneficiaries of family allowances, the OPEC officially announced that Thursday, July 26, the payment is for the period of two months from May to June and raises to 202 million euros. Beneficiaries will also receive retroactive benefits in early 2018 if they were not included in the two previous payments in March and June

2017 Allowance Payments for Controlled and Compensated Applications Will Be Paid Invalid payment early August

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