Organizational disruption in Crete: They brought weapons from Bulgaria and sold them all over the country – Crime


After a long-term investigation of the security division of Heraklion, a criminal group that, as a result, was systematically involved in the illegal importation, trafficking and trade in weapons and munitions on the Greek territory.

A total of six Greeks (five men and one woman) aged 55, 30, 44, 45, 29, and 32 years old were arrested in a large police operation that has evolved since morning today. in various areas of Heraklion. At the same time, a person was arrested in an area of ​​Imathia by police officers from the Alexandria Security Department

. At their expense, a bodily and tort case was filed for individual offenses, constitution and participation in a criminal group. 19659002] With regard to the methodology of action of the criminal group, its members specialize in the trade of arms and ammunition, as a result of various stages in the implementation of their individual illegal activities

. Bulgaria, weapons, cartridges, electric shock devices, chemical washing equipment (sprays) and other weapons law products, stored them and then, both in contact with customers and via a store online

The members of the organization had separate roles

The main role was held by a 55-year-old arrested, who even kept a hunting shop in Heraklion Crete, made telephone contact with Interested buyers The members of the organization worked with distinct roles in their individual activities, which concerned in particular the concealment of weapons and ammunition, their transportation

It is noted that in the last five months of 2018, in three cases of importation of weapons from Bulgaria, large quantities were seized, which were

With regard to the shipping and transport of weapons to potential buyers in Crete, this was done either by private means and for a living tradition by the accused, or by sending parcels by road. Outside Crete, in the rest of the country, the shipment was made by a parcel delivery company, where a member of the 45-year-old group took the necessary steps to pick up the parcels and ship them by ship rather than by plane, (1969002) 56 cases of illicit sale of weapons and other weapons, such as purchases of weapons and other weapons, were detected until the end of the year. at present It should be noted that part of the investigation remains the purpose for which these "customers" made such purchases

As part of the current operation of dismantling the criminal group , investigations were conducted, in the presence of bailiffs, in homes and other places that possess and use members of the criminal group and some of the other perpetrators

16 firearms of various types and caliber have found and seized, 2,773 rounds of various types and 49 pistols, 8 pistols, 2 folding bars, 6 TAZER appliances, 2 flared jets, 19 pepper sprays, a knife, 6 mobile phones, and a lot of documents

Arrest with the record (19659015) window.fbLoaded = $ .Deferred () , the criminal court trial, which was stopped,

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