Over 13,000 applications out of date – News.gr


In the three regions of Macedonia, Epirus and Thessaly, 60% of the budget

The social goal of Home Savings program has been achieved, said on the radio of the Athens and Athens news agency Macedonian "Agency 104 9 FM", the Secretary General for Energy and Mineral Raw Materials, Michalis Veríopoulos, emphasizing that the aim of the program is "to help our fellow citizens with lower incomes and to modernize homes the most vulnerable to energy ". [19659003] "More than 70% of our requests concern our fellow citizens with an income of up to € 25,000 and the vast majority of the 13,502 residences belonging to the program belong to category H, the most vulnerable energy category. ".

According to the statistics of the Ministry, it appears, as pointed out the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, that most citizens have gathered in urban centers , "73% of requests concern individual apartments and only 27% in single-family homes. This demonstrates that modern Greek lives in urban areas, "he said.

Referring to all the applications submitted, he points out that about 50,000 applications have been submitted and 13,502 residences have already In fact, he promised that some other requests (about 13,000) would have been submitted before the end of the month.

Commenting on the areas where most applications were submitted, he stated: "We had a very strong participation in Macedonia and Thrace. From the first affiliation, 20% of the dwellings are in Central Macedonia, it is the first with a difference. "

60% of the budget of the housing savings program is led by Mr. Verpioopoulos, in regions that are not"

With regard to the upgrade actions that citizens choose, they said that they "first opt ​​for 48% upgrade the cortex elements of the buildings that suffer and there is heat (19659011)]]

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