For those who appear on the Lagarde list, for example, the control continues in uses that are not removed by the decisions of the State Council, Co. The tax administration can send the records to the public prosecutor's office, "Deputy Finance Minister Katerina Papanatsiou told the radio" 105.5 In Kokkino. "He added that" no name has been removed from a list and will not be erased. "
As for the performance of the audit, Papadbadiou noted that" they kept the records in the drawer for years. 24 million euros. To date, from Lagard, Borgian and foreign remittance checks, a very high level of control has been initiated in 3,500 cases. About 2,000 cases have been settled and 919 million euros have been established, of which some 107 million have already been recovered, while for the rest, legal procedures exist, following appeals, etc. "
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