Paxos was shocked by the death of a 15-year-old tourist


Paxos was shocked by the family tragedy that occurred Saturday afternoon in the maritime area between Gaios and Mogonisi, when a 15-year-old man who was on a boat in high speed rented with other members of his family, slipped, fell into the sea and found the horrible death of the ship's propeller, which fatally wounded him. The child was transferred to the Paxos Health Center, where his death was recorded.

The family – English living in America – was on vacation in Paxos

When the tragic news of the 15-year-old's death was "frozen"

The mayor of the island, Spyros Vlachopoulos, speaking to Corfutvnews, referred to the event, shocked by the incident

. "The child was transferred to the health center, where his death was discovered, which was instantaneous and the doctors could not offer him" We extend our most sincere condolences to the family of the degraded child and, as a municipality where we can or where we are solicited, it goes without saying that we will offer our services, "said the mayor, who ended by saying:" The boat has been rented by the father of the. a child who had a high speed craft diploma. "

Coast Guard Announcement

The Port Authority of Paxos was informed yesterday

Executives of LS-EL.ACT immediately arrived at the site, where a doctor from the Paxos health center was already present at the point where he found the above – mentioned stranger dead.

More precisely, 15x nos, aboard the T / X "AQUARIUS" rented CF 4150 with his father's governor of 54 years, and even with two x minor foreigners, aged 17 and 15. During the journey in the sea area about half a nautical mile outside the old port of Gaios Paxos and south of Paxos, the young man of 15 years fell into the sea, injuring the propeller of the same vessel

The 15-year-old father was transferred to the old port of Gaios Paxos, while the detention center of the port of Paxos, old 54, was arrested and released after being excused

. The corpse was transferred to Corfu Forensic Center. dead opsity – necropsy.

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