Pensions: Games with discounts from 1 January 2019 – Economy


While the ministers play with the words, suggesting that pensions will not be reduced, the government comes in the most formal way to lock in their reduction as of January 1, 2019.

Just on Thursday morning the director of KO. from SYRIZA, Kostas Zachariades said that there was a serious case of not reducing to retirees, the circular Houliarakis comes to darken the waters
With a circular for the writing of the 2019 budget, George Houliarakis gives a clear mandate to the insurance funds to apply the stipulated provision providing for a haircut of up to 18% in both primary and supplementary pensions
According to the circular, pension expenses are set at 25.4 billion euros, as also foreseen in the medium-term fiscal strategy program. This year, this figure reaches 28.9 billion euros. This is, for the following year, a reduction in total retirement expenditure of 3.23 billion euros is expected by the knife that retires
However, as political observers say, this circular does not rule out a decision by the government to suspend the measure of cuts, to cover the black hole by other means and "hot potato" to drop it. in the next government after the elections
Plus, as they say, the measure is payable by the lenders because it is considered structural, that is, sooner or later, any government will apply it.

Strict limits of expenditure

However, until now, we knew that the retirement knife accounted for 1% of GDP since 2019, which means that the ceiling of 25.4 billion euros "includes" other "interventions" To reduce the cost of retirement.
The circular sets tight spending limits to achieve the medium-term strategic framework for a primary surplus of 3.96% of GDP in 2019 and a budget of 866 million euros. The circular places the ceiling on ordinary budget spending for 2019 at 49.743 billion euros and adds 7.3 billion euros to the public investment program, and 57.043 billion euros to the ceiling. expenditure for the following year
Thus, pension expenses are set at 25.4 billion euros, TAB spending at 6.8 billion euros, EOPY expenses at 4.8 billion euros, and the cost of pensions is estimated at 25 billion euros. euros and hospital expenditure to 3.1 billion euros. EUR
He stressed that it is particularly important to allocate agency funds on a realistic and priority basis in order to avoid possible forecasting errors, especially in rigid expenditures, and to minimize budget changes during its execution
It is also stated that no separate major category is provided for the repayment of unpaid liabilities of previous years.

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