POMIDA: With the new PD. land use, office only at home


"With the new PD. 59 / 29.6.2018 on land use, office only at home, "said in a statement the Panhellenic Federation of Real Estate Owners (POMIDA), stressing that" without any real reason, there is another unnecessary restriction on the use and disposition of citizens' badets "

As mentioned in this RFP," in land use areas where offices are not allowed, at the same time ". except for those previously in force. (The practice of a profession is on REPTI the building rules and are not prohibited by the applicable health and safety provisions), applies an additional condition: the office is located in the residence that the exercise of the profession. This is only while the housing can be used as an office. "

POMIDA stresses that" specifically in the housing sector in general, (excluding a nursing bed or an isotope application facility or radiology laboratory or physiotherapy facility), lawyer , engineer, accountant, economist, can be used to practice a profession compatible with the main use of the building, writer, computer badyst, computer sociologist, social worker and journalist. This exception applies if the exercise of a profession is permitted by the Building Regulations is not prohibited by the applicable health and safety provisions and is in the place of permanent residence independent workers. "

With regard to residency, as highlighted by POMIDA, PD distinguishes in the areas of" General Residence "and" Pure Residence "." In both cases, to allow a dwelling to be used as an office, the exercise of a profession should be permitted by the regulations of the building in question and not be prohibited by the applicable health and safety provisions. "

At the same time, he notes that in Article 2 (page 8759) of the Government Gazette of the new PD, which badyzes what is allowed in areas where land use is the "pure residence" no office use is provided.Now, as it supplements, in article 3 (page 8759) of the Government Gazette, which badyzes what is allowed in the areas where land use is "General Residence", the number 11 provides for the use of offices.So, in the areas of "general residence" (where offices are allowed), if the "general residence" exercise of a profession is permitted by the building regulations and is not prohibited by the applicable health and safety provisions, a house can be rented

However, as the l & # 39; adds POMIDA, in the areas of "pure residence" (ie where offices are not allowed), if the exercise of a profession is allowed by the building rules, it is not forbidden to apply hygiene and safety provisions and in the residence that the exercise of the profession can then l & # 39; space to function as an office. "This can also apply to areas with other land uses (such as Article 4-Urban Planning Center) that allow residences rather than offices. Exercise of a profession is allowed according to the rules of the building, it is not forbidden by the provisions of hygiene and security applicable and is in the place of residence of the independent worker, then the office can only function as an office … ", Concludes POMIDA

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