Positive announcements to speed up the trial, said the civil justice in the Golden Dawn lawsuit


After a delegation with the president of the court of appeal

Meeting with the chairman of the appeal chamber of the Athens Court of Appeal, Konstantinos Stamiadinos, consisting of three members, today received a delegation of lawyers from the city of Konstantinos Stamiadinos. civil education gathered at the Golden Dawn trial to find solutions to speed up the process.

According to the lawyers, Mr. Stamiadanos is committed to responding to requests already submitted by the Civil Education. Thus, members of the composition of the Court of Appeal composed of three members are exempted from the month of January and until the end of the trial by any other service. In addition, the trial will be held mainly in the Court of Appeal instead of Korydallos, in the perspective of his complete and exclusive conduct before the Court of Appeal. Finally, the number of judges will be more than 15 per month, of which only 3 or 4 in Korydallos.

In a written statement, Political Education said: "The announcements are undoubtedly positive and respond to the requests for speeding up and qualitative conduct of the trial.We await that they materialize and that we to request an exclusive trial before the court of appeal and to finish the meetings in Korydallos as soon as possible remains in abeyance ". The lawyers also point out that the Minister of Justice has not yet responded to their request for a meeting that has been submitted to him for a month.


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