Post-Plenary Supervision More Relaxed – Basic Rules


Ready for signature is the text of the enhanced surveillance program that will be signed by the country after August 20 and will be signed by the Commission and the Greek Government

The frontloading of post-program commitments as it l has already made it's achievement of primary surpluses of 3.5% of GDP each year

and this objective focuses on what the government is trying to achieve because it is the key that will release a greater freedom space for the exercise of economic activity. itikis and with the consent of institutions that have already left the window open to change policy mix focusing on the protection of vulnerable groups in society. "The post-programmatic follow-up is not the character of the coercion that occurred during the memorandum period." The spokesman for the government said, speaking of the surpluses

At the same time the enhanced post-memorandum surveillance should be renewed every six months until 2022, while the missions of the institutions in Athens will take place four times a year.

The conclusions and recommendations of the missions (Commission, ESM, IMF and ESF) will be included in the reports to be submitted to the Greek Parliament and the Eurogroup

Twice a year on the basis of these reports The Eurogroup will decide whether or not to disburse 600 million euros. euros on Greek bonds of the ECB and central banks.

ESM – through the parallel mechanism of monitoring the early warning system – will continue to in post-programmatic monitoring until 2060, up to That there is a refund up to the last euro granted to Greece

However, it will not give money loans to Greece and will therefore not dictate new pre-requisites

Possibility of imposing additional measures ,

The country will fully enjoy its freedom when it has initially repaid 75% of the loans it has received from the eurozone countries, then from the EFSF and the European Stability Mechanism ( MY). )

The specific commitments to ensure the continuity and completion of the reforms adopted under the ESM relate to the budget, social welfare, the financial system, the labor market and products. 39, public administration and

In particular, according to the "Journal of the Editors", the text to be discussed in the next Eurogroup of 12 July contains the following 20 reforms that the country is called upon to implement after the end of the memorandum :

  1. Decrease of main and supplementary pensions as of January 1, 2019.
  2. Reduction of the tax-exempt amount on January 1, 2020.
  3. Equation of real estate prices at commercial prices
  4. Reduction of "red" loans from 92 to 60 billion 4 billion today.
  5. Complete geographic location,
  6. Implementation of a plan of action for insolvent households to eliminate arrears, including pending application process, by the end of of 2021.
  7. Sale of shares held by the Financial Stability Fund in systemic banks.
  8. Improvement of the electronic tax collection system
  9. Refinancing of outstanding debts and avoidance of the accumulation of new debts by government agencies, departments and agencies
  10. Review of benefits invalidity and modernization of the social protection system
  11. Gradual relaxation of capital controls
  12. Plan of action on undeclared work
  13. "Accelerated licenses"
  14. Privatization: DESFA, ELPE, Marina d & # 39, Alimos, Egnatia, DEPA Trade, EYDAP, EYATH, regional ports
  15. Completion of the land register (forest maps, cadastre, etc.). Alexandroupolis, Kavala, Igoumenitsa, Corfu, DEPA network, transfer
  16. Appointment of Directors General and all Directors General in accordance with Law 4369/2016
  17. Implementation of the Third Evaluation / Mobility Cycle in the public sector
  18. a human resources management system (digital organization chart for all public bodies and link to the single payment authority)

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