
The confrontation of the Ministry of Finance with the ND led to the withdrawal of the Ministry of Finance, which provided for an increase in the salaries of the heads of public enterprises, their transfer to Privatization Prize Superfund

In a statement, ND accused the government of trying to increase the earnings of those appointed by the same head of DEKO, while the Greeks cry their dead and characters On the merits of the case, he said the supermarket has chose the business administrations that had gone through it and that he was asking for "greater flexibility in the salaries of some large companies to find people who would badume the heavy responsibility of restructuring companies." For years, PASOK-ND exploited in the worst way customers. "

The KKE attacked the government, which declared that the SYRIZA-ANEL government was breaking up one after the other


No lie, nor calendar, nor size, is forbidden. ND to serve his small-scale goals.

With regard to time, ND exploits his pain (19659002) Regarding the size, ND knows, but he conceals that:

(a) Many DEKO went to the Greek company Holding and Property Company (EESYP) EESYP evaluates and selects the administrations of these companies, not the government

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c) The demand for wage flexibility in Large specific companies (more than 3,000 employees or with a business turnover greater than 100 million) will take primary responsibility for restructuring companies that for years PASOK-NW was operating in the worst clientele.

L & # 39; Announcement ND

"Then as the Greeks mourn their deaths, the government has attempted to increase the wages of the, appointed by L The withdrawal of the amendment, amid a scandal of the opposition and the media , is a confession of guilt

and his testimony confirms that even at this time, SYRIZA and ANEL only cares about his party army. Shame! "

The announcement of the KKE

The government, with a last-minute amendment, gives provocative increases to the DEKO leaders to enforce the anti-grbadroots policy, while popular layers are lacking. essential security infrastructure


The Syriza-Anel government breaks one after the other

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