Professor of Constitutional Law, Professor Stavros Tsakyrakis passed away Greece


At the age of 67, he was a junction fighter and constitutional law professor, Stavros Tsakyrakis, after a long struggle against cancer

He was born in Mithymna, Lesvos in 1951 and was found in Athens as boarding school. the school that gave weight to the need to support the study of children from economically weaker layers. He was promoted to law and was politically active, reaching the post of secretary general of "Riga Feraiou", the youth of KKE Interior. He completed postgraduate studies in philosophy of law at the University of Rome, while in 1990, he received a doctorate in constitutional law from the University of Athens. During the period of the Colonels Junta, he was secretary of EKON, Rigas Fereos, and member of the Coordinating Committee of the Occupation of the Polytechnic School.

He was professor of constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of Athens, where in April 2018 he gave his last lesson in a

In the past he was a scholar at Harvard , Columbia and New York University

In the 2014 European elections, he ran for The River without success. He wrote regularly in legal journals and in the daily press and was a member of The Books & # 39; Journal's Scientific Committee.

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