Projects on the National Road Antirio-Ioannina budget 10.400.000 euros – Newsbeast


Four interventions for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Antirrio-Ioannina highway at Aitoloakarnania, with a total budget of 10.400.000 euros, which caused landslides in the area. 39; last winter because of extreme weather, announced today Mesolongi, the regional governor of Apostolos Katsifaras

In particular, and as RES emissions, regarding the work at the height of Kleisoura, where the greatest damage occurred, Apostolos Katsifaras said among others:

The management of public money, combined with our social needs, guides our decisions. And I would like the road to be restored sooner. However, my responsibility for the public money forced me to move to an open process, but it cost the project a bit later. I call to the understanding of the citizens of western Greece, Aitoloakarnania. I am sure that in these conditions that the country knows, the respect of each euro is judged positively by our fellow citizens. "

Also, the regional governor of Western Greece said that 36 projects are underway in Aitoloakarnania, more than 47 million euro. Of the 36 projects, 33 are funded by the Public Investment Program and the three by the NSRF

In statements made by Mr. Katsifaras, he stressed that "we are implementing projects that will help improve the daily lives of citizens" and added: "We seek to highlight the benefits Comparative of Aitoloakarnania. In collaboration with the authorities and local institutions, with targeted interventions, we integrated projects both in the Integrated Spatial Investment of Mesolongi-Aetolikos and in the Sustainable Urban Development of Agrinio. It is a visionary project that will change the image of the region. We are joining forces and moving forward, and we will continue to seek resources for the development of Western Greece. "

Indeed, concerning Agrinio, he said that" until we connect to the Ionian road, we (1969007)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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