Quitting the program means leaving the program


Greece and the citizens are finally ready to turn a page, said Mario Senteno in a speech to the European Parliament on the end of the Greek program

The Europeans offered time and money in the country, said the head of the Eurogroup. Today, the country is ready to get up.

According to Stenten, the country has gone through difficult years, but now it is heading for a successful exit from the program and August 20 will be a memorable day

As the country has said, it has implemented 450 reforms and implementation will take time. However, growth has returned. The results have been particularly positive in terms of budgets, with the primary surplus exceeding 4% in the last two years. At the same time, it is equally important that the social safety net is born again.

According to Marios Senteno, the changes in work create jobs and the financial sector is more resilient

. has already come out in the markets and the agreement of the Eurogroup will help to invest confidence. It is the latest in a series of debt movements, he said, recalling that he had already benefited from low interest rates by earning large sums in the budget.

After describing the debt agreement, he recalled Greek bond banks on a biannual basis (December and June), which will prompt further reforms

As the # 39, said the last tranche, it is 15 billion and 9.5 billion euros will go to an account for the "fluid pillow" Community. The remaining $ 5.5 billion will be made available on a special account in 2020 to cover debt repayment obligations. Overall, the pillow will cover the country's needs for 22 months, he recalled, and it's the biggest cushion he's received.

He stressed that it is up to Greece to capitalize on the success of the program. It must continue to pursue prudent fiscal policies and reforms. This will be monitoring after the program.

For the next two years, strengthened oversight of the Commission will help the country stay on track, he added, adding: "Let me be clear: leave the program for the Greece means leaving the program. "

] The country is committed to the rules of the eurozone as any other country. He added that political choices had to be discussed internally, that's good for democracy.

In this context, he continued, I am confident that the country will examine political choices and improve stability and political compromise.

It will be necessary to continue correct fiscal policies and good management, good management of the banking sector for red loans and labor markets and flexible products and a modern public administration

The country has presented a development plan that is based on continuing reforms, said Mario Senteno. The image on the markets has shown that the country remains vulnerable and that is why it is important to have "ownership". It encourages me to believe that the government in Greece adopts it and I welcome the commitments made within the Eurogroup.

Moskovis: No Fourth Memorandum

For its part, Pier Moscovis recalls that citizens still suffer from crises and austerity policies. The decisions taken at the Eurogroup are good, he noted and reiterated that a Grexit would be a disaster.

He argued that no other country had made such rapid and far-reaching reforms. He stressed that reforms in the insurance sector should continue to evolve and that problems related to unproductive loans should be solved

The Finance Ministers' Agreement opens a window of 15 years

He specified that the country will have to honor its budget commitments.

The fact that the debt is high has led us to opt for "enhanced supervision," said the finance commissioner, recalling that some reforms should be completed, such as the cadastre until the end of the year. 39; year. 2021.

In an indirect response to the leader of New Democracy was eager to add: "Enhanced supervision, contrary to what I've heard tell Athens that some politicians would better measure what they say, is not it program. It provides the framework to complete the reforms. "

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