RAE: Prices Closed, Power Limits for Renewable Energy Auctions


Without limiting the size of the energy that an investor can guarantee and an increase in available wind energy, the next auction for the construction of new wind and photovoltaic power plants planned by the l 39; Energy Regulatory Authority in early December will take place.

Based on the calendar that has been announced. Prospective investors can apply until Friday, November 2, while auctions will be held from December 4 to 6.

According to information provided by AMPA, the starting prices of the competitions have been blocked, as well as the power to be allocated by category of projects (small – large photovoltaic and wind turbines). The plenum of the Energy Regulatory Authority decided on the size of RES auctions after the public consultation on the December competitions and the views expressed by the market players and the decision of the RIS who accepted the RAE suggestions.

The question of the ceiling of 20% of the power that an investor could claim concerned mainly the category of small photovoltaic installations in order to avoid an over-concentration of licenses granted to one or more candidates.

However, it was felt that the introduction of a limit in only one of the categories of licenses would create legal problems while arguing that it is practically difficult to apply the rule, since the same investor may appear in competition with different legal entities.

As pointed out by the competent authorities of the Authority, RAE aims to make these auctions a growth vector, not only for the energy sector, but overall for the economy.

The available power and auction starting prices are as follows:

– Small photovoltaic installations (up to 1 megawatt): the power auction will be 94 MW and the starting price will be 81.71 euros per megawatt.

– Photovoltaic 1 – 20 MW: the auction power is 100 MW and the starting price is 71.91 EUR per megawatt.

– 3 to 50 megawatts: the power auctioned is 229 MW and the starting price is 79.77 euros per megawatt.

It also remains the 75% threshold, whereby the auctioning power is adjusted to exceed 75% of the posted interest in order to ensure competition.

According to the same information, the auction extensions considered by RAE would not apply if an acceptable offer was submitted during the last three minutes of the normal auction period.

naftemporiki.gr with information from AMPE

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