Rengling: Pursue Reforms


Billions [19609004] were spent in Greece in the first half of 2015, says Claus Relinging in an interview with Handelsblatt Interviewed by Mr. Regling because the stability program lasted much longer in Greece than in other countries, he replied: "In no other country the problems were not so important and the public administration both weaker In addition, during the Warfax period, the management was bad and cost a lot of billions .For these reasons, the program lasted for eight years, not just three, as in D & # 39; 39, other countries But efforts are now fruitful

Since 2016, the country has no deficit although it exceeded 15% of GDP in 2009. These results were strong. because they were important and often painful structural reforms they . For example, wages have fallen significantly in real terms. This was necessary because wages were rising faster than productivity and the country had lost competitiveness. If Greece insists on reforms, I see a good future in the euro area. "

In the question of what lessons Greece may take from other countries, after the end of the program, it states the need to respect the commitments implementation of the reforms: [19659006"Todaythecountriesthathavebeeninaprogramsuchas Ireland and Spain have the fastest growth in Europe. These countries have firmly implemented the reform program. In this way, they have proven that the economic policy of the program will serve the growth and competition objectives even after the end of the program. "

At the same time, he sends a message that" Greece is determined to go ahead of the path of reforms. Otherwise, some of the recently agreed debt measures could be terminated . Greece also knows that it will be the subject of permanent surveillance and evaluation of markets and investors as other countries who participated in a program. They want to know that their money is definitely invested in the long run. "

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