Requests to recruit auxiliary staff in the NHS have been opened


The application platform was opened today through the application for the recruitment and placement of other auxiliaries, except for the doctors

According to the new application, public health service providers who are supervised by DYE. (District health administrations), ie hospitals and primary health care facilities, as well as DYNE, EKAB, EOPYY, EOF, CSCE, "G. Papageorgiou", AEMY for the Thira Hospital and the university hospitals in charge of the Ministry of Education, can recruit auxiliary staff from all categories and branches to meet their primary needs, regardless of the existence of vacant organizational positions, According to the Athens News Agency

Those with the mandatory qualifications by category and industry are eligible to participate in the new procedure. The new procedure can not be followed by those who have reached the age of 65 and hold another auxiliary position or occupy a position in a local health office

. this procedure does not relate to the announcement of posts, but the registration of candidates' preferences, so that players, according to their needs and their financial situation, recruit staff on the electronic lists of candidates who will emerge

points attributed to ASEP. These criteria include: the experience of health care structures, the increase of intensive care units and emergency, unemployment as well as social criteria such as single parent, multiparental, single parent families, disability greater than 67%, etc. [19659002] The possibility of submitting nominations began today 12/7/2018, at 18:00 and will remain open until 30/7/2018 at 24:00

Electronic catalogs will be prepared and mailed by DY. And will remain in force until October 15, ovriou this year. Entities of the above-mentioned period will submit requests for authorization to recruit other agents, together with corresponding credits. When an application is approved, the competent IMD must absorb and place the authorized personnel in the order of preference of its electronic directories.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Health, "Under this procedure, the NHS acquires for the first time a reliable and transparent mechanism for timely coverage of the needs of nurses and paramedics, thus ensuring adequate staffing levels. hospital and sanitary personnel throughout the country. "

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