Reserved for his home – SKAI (



"In any case, everyone should be confined" at home, "says the representative of ANEL Theodoros Toustosidis


The brutal reaction of the partners of the SYRIZA government provoked statements by Nikos Kotzias in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that he did not say there was no abstentions to allow the government to ratify the agreement of Prespa even with 130 deputies

"On the question of the agreement of Prespa and its voting process, when and when it s & # 39; It was the Greek Parliament, there was a clear position of the spokesman of the government.Any other approach expresses personal considerations and in any case everyone should be limited "at home" " says the representative of ANEL Theodoros Tosounidis.

Mr. Tosunidis also states that "the government of today, since the beginning of its life (September 2015), is a government of two cooperating parties, the" independent Greeks "and SYRIZA. It is formally expressed by the spokesman of the government, which transfers the constituent commune between the two political leaders, Panos Kammenos and Alexis Tsipras. "

As he points out," the position of the "independent Greeks" "

It is noted that Dimitris Tzanakopoulos left open the possibility of ratifying the Prespa Agreement by a strengthened majority (19459038) of 180 deputies.

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