Reversing a bus with 14 injured outside the village Contribution from the Municipality of Amphipolis


The KTEL Drama bus was knocked down in the 18th km of EO . Drapas – Amphipolis at the height of the village of Contili of the municipality of Amphipolis, resulting in wounds of 14 people

The bus left its course shortly before 6 in the morning of Friday 13/7, under unknown conditions until now, while performing Athens – Drama . According to the police, he turned right and went to a field.

Police and firefighters rushed to the scene. The bus had other pbadengers than the 13 people who had left the bus before the arrival of firefighters

EKAB ambulances were carrying slightly injured people to the bus. # 39; s hospital. According to the president of KTEL Drama, the driver hit his head, but not seriously, and two other women are fractured in their hands

Police officers investigate the causes under which the traffic was reported

. the state of the wounded

According to what he told the Drama Daily Press, the commander of the hospital Drama Nikos Liatzis was in transit 12 pbadengers and the bus driver who underwent axial tomography.

Six of the pbadengers were admitted to the Victory Surgery Clinic, while the other patients are new inspection procedures. Among the incidents, besides the external injuries, there are also cases with various fractures and minor injuries

One of the pbadengers of the bus left the places of the accident with a private car


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