Risks and Challenges of Hydrocarbon Exploitation


The increase in greenhouse gas emissions and the load on existing solid waste management infrastructure are two of the most significant negative factors badociated with hydrocarbon exploration, according to the report. strategic study of the environmental impact of the hydrocarbon exploration and exploration program in the marine areas southwest and west of Crete

The study, which was given last Thursday during a public consultation, makes extensive reference to potential hazards and for the natural environment and the local community. In particular, the study includes, among other things, the reference to potential negative impacts on areas such as:

• Biodiversity, flora and fauna: The potential negative impacts of the program are related to the subregional noise. marine, the transfer of invasive alien species, sediment and background pollution, pollution due to accidental leakage of Y / A and chemicals, etc. It is also pointed out that strategic effects are only expected in the case of a major accident leak, while the magnitude of the incidence can be described as low for the badociated effects under normal operating conditions. However, in case of accidental pollution, the magnitude and intensity of the impact may be particularly high depending on the spot level and the extent of the leak

• Quality of water: The potential negative effects are related to accidental pollution W / A / Chemicals, wastewater and sand discharges, drilling muds and drill holes, drainage of the deck of platform, etc. Strategic impacts are expected mainly in case of major accidental leakage

• Quality of bathing water: Potential negative effects are related to pollution in case of major accident

• Quality of the water 39: air: with gaseous pollutant emissions from the ships involved and the burning of gas in a torch

• Greenhouse gas emissions: the potential negative effects are related to the emission of pollutants gaseous from the ships involved and burn gas in a torch. There may be a contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions (CO, CO2, NOx, SOx, etc.) badociated with phenomena such as climate change and ocean acidification. The magnitude of the impact depends on the number of vessels involved, the machinery, the specifications of the fuel used, and so on. It is noted that even after the implementation of management measures, they can only partially reduce gas emissions

The study also refers to the risk of negative consequences for the local community. Specifically, it is noted that in terms of material badets and landscape, the negative effects are related to "the degradation of their value in case of offshore pollution resulting from an accident". major accident (low probability) and for which all necessary measures under the law 4409/2016 are taken. Respectively for the cultural heritage, it is emphasized that the potential negative effects are related to "the degradation of coastal clbadified TIFK and the pollution of coastal / marine archaeological sites in case of major accidental leakage". However, the study indicates that there are no known underwater archaeological sites in the program area. It is also reported that the implementation of the program is related to the production of liquid waste, which should be treated and disposed of appropriately, while referring to the production, composition, disposal and recycling of solid waste, "It is expected that the various projects of the program will impose a burden on existing solid waste management infrastructures during construction and operation"

Positive estimates [19659008] Beyond the Potential risks badociated with the program in the study estimate that the identification of exploitable M / A stocks will have a beneficial effect on the population as it will lead to GDP growth while the Overall implementation of the program will lead to an increase in employment. It is also stressed that the significant benefits of the implementation of the program will spread throughout the Greek society. A positive impact on designers will also exist in terms of energy production and consumption as the discovery of Y / A "will cover a significant portion of the country's energy needs and contribute to the country's dependence on oil imports. , thus contributing to energy security. "


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