"I am proud of the whole world found here," said Yannis Gagaloudis
Deafness was "tacit apology" that asked the victims of the fire to Mati the hundreds of citizens gathered in the Constitution Monday evening responding to an online call launched at the initiative of basketball player Yannis Gagaloudis
After finishing the implicit demonstration, he declared to be proud of the whole world found at Syntagma adding that "all what is behind me (the meaning of the house) does not represent me, it represents what has happened here, all we can do is give love. were here may have left their jobs and their families, but they were here. "I thank them very much."
Keeping her daughter in her arms revealed that "all this started with something that m? Shocked because of my daughter.It was the last one that I saw.I have felt There is immense hatred and anger. I started writing something and I got to everything you saw. I am proud of all the people who are here. "
" A man earlier, who has a dead parent, missing and kissing said, "Please do not forget us." We must all remember it. The nature of the Greek is to forget. (19659004)! (19659005)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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Tags Constitution Fire hundreds Mati misleading quotsorryquot sad victims