Saturday, excursion to the art theater of Tsipra and Baziana, with … messages of reconciliation


Three years after Lakis Lazopoulos and Gloria, Alexis Tsipras on Saturday took his partner, Peristera Baziana, to the subway of the Pesmazoglou street art theater.

The choice was a little more "heavy" than the comedy "What did we do to God?" From Philip de Soberon that he had put online three years ago a fanatic emperor of SYRIZA, Lazopoulos (see the corresponding video here).

The years have changed. In 2015, after repeated electoral events, Mr. Tsipras and Ms. Baziana needed something light (the inversion of the referendum, which, as always, always caused grief to the Prime Minister) and another time when the prime minister can see himself as a spectator-scholar of human relations.

The show that he chose to watch was the "North Reunion with South Korea" by Joel Pommerat, "The Reunification of the Two Koreas", at the Art Theater, directed by Nikos Mastorakis.

For those who rush to search geopolitical badociations, they do not exist. The project is not about Kim, nor the communist paradise that some of Tsipras' ideological comrades can still dream of.

Through small human stories, modular work deals with the power and truth of love. Why, perhaps, "love does not exist, it is an invention, a game of the mind, a kind of disease that makes us do crazy things, dangerous. .. "

O Al. Tsipras and Betty Baziana congratulate Gerasimos Gennatas and pose with the other actors of the series. Bottom left, snapshot of the theater

Zoellas Pomeras wants to show with her work that good intentions are often not enough, but that constant efforts are needed and that egotism is diminished on both sides, as in the case of North and South Korea.

Although the choice of this project by Mr. Tsipras is an obvious symbolic, it is appropriate for what we usually say in similar cases:any resemblance to people or situations is totally fortuitous and has nothing to do with reality. There is no reason to refer to the names of people who recently killed the Prime Minister (Nikos Kotzias, Panos Kamemnos, etc.).

According to the announcement by the Kun Theater, the Prime Minister enthusiastically applauded the very successful show presented this year for the third year in a row and personally congratulated the actors Nikos Alexiou, Rubin Vasilakopoulou, Vicky Volioti, Gerasimos Gennatas, Ioanna Mavrea, Konstantina Takkalos, Nikola Chanakoula and Fain Minopetrou-Kashimati.

However, it is not uncommon for Mr. Tsipras to go to the theater. In 2015, when the country experienced known adventures, it was estimated that in ten months, Mr. Tsipras had attended seven performances.

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