Scenarios and the Unpredictable Factor That Will Determine Election Time


According to the information the prime minister wants to exhaust all possibilities and lead the elections by the end of September 2019. He stressed the importance of exhaustion of the four-year period because it would be "revolutionary" for the country's contemporary political history, and notes that in such a case, the country will have a year of memoranda. This implies with a new regularity, gives the government a free field of action and allows Alexis Tsipras to reinforce his leadership by stressing on every occasion that he is the prime minister who has released the country from the memoranda [19659002Thecontroversynotesthat will have preceded the May elections where, especially in the European elections, there is a good chance for a large victory of the New Democracy. In such a case, those who want the elections earlier will notice, an alert will be issued, SYRIZA will appear as a retirement government and the New Democracy trend will be strengthened. "All that happened in Samaras, we will suffer too," note party members, who consider political suicide as the conduct of national elections after the European elections

These members are divided into two trends: elections in May 2019 arguing that the eventual dissatisfaction and deterioration of governance will "disappear" in the European elections and a week later, in the national elections, voters will vote with more "tight" criteria. "Even dissatisfied leftist voters can vote in other European parties when SYRIZA or ND dilemmas come back," say those who support this position. In addition, the month of May is very close to the exhaustion of the four years and the government will have enough time since the month of August to implement a series of commitments that will convince the citizens that He "keeps the keys of the country". 23 photos: With tie Tzipras in speech at Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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2 of 23 [19659008] 23 Photos: With a tie, Tsipras in a speech at Za

3 of 23 [19650013] 23 Photos: Source: EUROKINISSI / TATIANA BOLLARI

23 Photos: With the Tsipras in the speech at Zappeion


Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

N Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: By Tsipras tie in the speech at Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

: Pointed by Tzipras in the speech of Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: By Tsipras tie to Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Lot

23 of 23 [19650037] 23 Photos: 23 Photos : Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Pictures: With the tie of Tsipras on the speech in Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

/ Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: By Tsipras tie in Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: By Tsipras tie in the speech at Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos:

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23 Photos: The link of Tzipras in the speech in Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis [

18 of 23 [19650058] 23 Photos : With a tie, Tsipras in a speech at Zappeion

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23 Photos: With the Tsipras in the speech at Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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23 Photos: Pointed by Tzipras in the Zappeion's Speech

] 23 Photos: Spike by Tzipras in Speech in Zappeion

– Source: CNN Greece / Lefteris Potsalis

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The Second Trend Supports Elections from January 2019 and combines them with "Macedonian", while it is likely that the Greek Parliament will be called to ratify the agreement of Prespa. January viewers find that ANEL will logically quit the government will be under arrest and even if she manages to get through this deal does not mean that it will take a vote of confidence . They therefore propose that elections be held before the ratification of the agreement with SYRIZA to place the Macedonian at the center of his election campaign. At the same time, four years from the "first time left" will be completed, while the government will have the budget of the year to restore the minimum wage, but also tax breaks

Irresponsible Government and Alexis Tsipras to deal with an unforeseeable factor. And this is not Panos Kammenos, as many people might think, because the two men are in constant contact. The imprecise factor means in the name of "pensions". The recent attitude of the Germans, when they blocked the payment of the down payment to the recent Eurogroup, shows their intentions regarding Athens' attempt to freeze the agreed pension cut as soon as possible. his first year. If the Greek government fails to convince the partners, it is not impossible for the prime minister to play the electoral surprise paper and call elections before the end of the year. In such a case, SYRIZA will restore the rhetoric of the conflict, but this time, in his quiver, the fulfillment of the commitments and, above all, the pbading of 2018.

Other Open Fronts

In any case, At the time of the elections , SYRIZA and the government are also called upon to deal with a number of other questions:

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