Scenarios of tax cuts of 700 million euros – What Tsaklotos says of SUGGESTIONS, levies, income tax


The regional channel of ENA in Kavala was chosen by Euclid Tsakalotos to open the first government documents, concerning the divestment of 700 million euros, theoretically expected at the end of the year, on taxes bigger reactions.

"Is it to reduce the ENFIA? Is it to help small and medium enterprises and self-employed workers with social contributions? Is it to help more about the tax on the There are choices, advantages and disadvantages. "This is never an optimal option, you can always do something else," noted the Minister of Finance, in the implicit badumption that the Government interventions so far in these three areas have become very burdensome for thousands of taxpayers

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According to the planning of the Ministry of Economy the reduction of the first rate of taxation from 22% to 20% has a budget cost of 877 million. the first year, changes in the amplitude r of the extraordinary contribution (total exemption of income up to 30,000 euros and reduction of rates in the next steps) costs 368 million euros, while the reduction of ENFIA (with a ceiling of 70 euros) requires an extra 209 million euros. Especially regarding ENFIA, the situation is complicated because the government is committed to a new increase in objective values ​​in 2019, which will raise and lower property taxes, making a radical revision of rates and scales of property tax. With regard to insurance contributions, planning requires surgical interventions, because among the scenarios developed by the Ministry of Labor for the suspension of pensions, there is the exploitation of surplus in EFCA, hence the excess contributions. In any case, the last reason for any tax reduction from the government will be the institutions, which will return to Athens at the end of September for the first post-mortem evaluation, roschedio budget for 2019.

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